Architekturmuseum Schwaben,
18. June bis 30. August 2009

Hermann Kaufmann WOOD WORKS I Augsburg

Hermann Kaufmann, architect and university professor at the Technical University of Munich, is one of the pioneers of modern timber construction in Europe.

The focus of the exhibition is the community centre Ludesch in Vorarlberg, which was built according to his plans, and with which Kaufmann set new standards in terms of building biology and energy technology. The project, which has won numerous awards for sustainability and conservation of resources, is illustrated with drawings, graphics and photos, and brought to life for the visitor with display of original materials.

Supported by Kaufmann Bausysteme, Kaufmann Holz GmbH, WIEHAG GmbH, Binderholz, Finnforest Merk, Hartmann Fensterbau, MGT Mayer Glastechnik, joinery Sigg, joinery Gerold Matt.