HK Architekten

Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH
Sportplatzweg 5, 6858 Schwarzach

T +43 5572 58174
F +43 5572 58174-66

Financial District: Landesgericht Feldkirch
UID: ATU39334902 FN: 131640p

Member of the Chamber of Architects & Engineering
Consultants Vlbg and Tirol 6020 Innsbruck
Membership number 23054

District Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) Bregenz

Company History:
Established in 1983
Registered as GmbH in 2002
2018 Change the Company name to
Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH

Univ.-Prof. DI Hermann Kaufmann

Executive Board:
Univ.-Prof. Arch. DI Hermann Kaufmann
Arch. DI Roland Wehinger

DI Christoph Dünser
DI Stefan Hiebeler

Areas of Expertise:
Architecture planning
Site supervision
Site coordination
Timber construction specialist

Content Responsibility

Hermann Kaufmann + Partner ZT GmbH

The entire content of this website is for general information. For completeness, accuracy and timeliness, we assume no liability. We expressly reserve the right to change and update. External websites to which we link are beyond our control. We assume no liability for their content and function. Utilising the copyrighted contents, the pictures and videos, by duplication or spreading also in electronic form is forbidden without previous agreement by architect Hermann Kaufmann ZT GmbH.

Web Administration:
Ing. Claire Stockley

System development and programming:
Elmar Schmidinger

Since 2022 construction blogs, team site Ing. Claire Stockley
2019-2020 Revision of layout, responsive design Karoline Gauper
2017 Web layout Atelier Gassner KG, Schlins and Karoline Gauper

Project photos: Bruno Klomfar, Adolf Bereuter, Norman Radon, Roland Wehinger, Ignacio Martinez

People photos:
Angela Lamprecht

Texts: Marko Sauer, Dipl. Architekt MSc, Fachjournalist MAZ, Martina Pfeifer Steiner,

English translation: Bronwen Rolls, The Doing Collective, Dornbirn

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